Shop our Hariwake Koi Online Today

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Hariwake are Koi Carp with a solid, metallic White background or base skin colour (known as Shiroji) overlaid with bright vibrant patterns of either Yellow or Orange. When a Koi Carp is described as metallic, the easiest way of defining this by looking at the fins which will be opaque (i.e., not transparent). The skin of a metallic fish may also look reflective under certain light – not to be confused with Gin Rin.

Hariwake come in both scaled and scaleless varieties. Scaleless skin (known as Doitsu) is derived from cross-breeding Koi with similarly scaleless German mirror carp. Harwiwake displaying such scaleless skin would therefore be known as Doitsu Hariwake.

Hariwake are extremely common as Koi Carp go. This is due to their immense beauty and popularity, combined with the fact they are actually fairly easy to breed. In competitions, Hariwake are members of a class of fish known as Hikarimoyo-mono. This translates as a single colour (mono) on a platinum/metallic background (Hikari).

Good Hariwake should be free of any blemishes or discolouration on their entrancing metallic White skin. The Yellow/Orange should flow down the body of the fish in solid patches, with clearly defined edges. The fins should be free of pigmentation, giving them an almost ice White finish. 

Koi ponds come to life with the addition of Yellow, making Hariwake a must for any Koi pond.